Choose a date and training course and fill out the form. Don’t forget to validate your entry!
You will receive a confirmation email at your email address.
Have a project to implement? An idea to develop? Something to repair? During the Open Lab open workshop, you can come in with a project and make the transition from idea to object. These sessions offer access to the machines and enable you to work and produce all on your own.
Come and discover the potential of the laser cutter and learn how to use it!
This easy-to-use machine will give you fast access to the FabLab and the world of digital production.
Envie de maximiser tes chances de trouver le job idéal tout en gagnant du temps sur tes candidatures ? Viens découvrir comment utiliser ChatGPT pour personnaliser tes CVs, lettres de motivation et plus encore.
- un atelier proposé par Interskillar
Have a project to implement? An idea to develop? Something to repair? During the Open Lab open workshop, you can come in with a project and make the transition from idea to object. These sessions offer access to the machines and enable you to work and produce all on your own.
Learn to prepare your vectorial file with the open-source plugin InkStitch and create a personalised patch with the digital embroidery machine.
Have a project to implement? An idea to develop? Something to repair? During the Open Lab open workshop, you can come in with a project and make the transition from idea to object. These sessions offer access to the machines and enable you to work and produce all on your own.
Directly inspired by the proactive international community #preciousplastic, we will guide you creating a new personalized object from plastic waste.
Venez découvrir le potentiel de la découpeuse laser et formez-vous à son utilisation !
Cette machine simple d’utilisation vous permettra un accès rapide au fablab et au monde de la fabrication numérique.
Atelier à destination des adultes: parents, tontons, tata, éducateurs, éducatrices, formateurs-trices ou simplement les curieux et curieuses de technologies et de pédagogies numériques pour les petits.
Plonge dans le monde passionnant de la robotique et de la programmation lors de cet atelier d'initiation proposé par CodeNplay
Have a project to implement? An idea to develop? Something to repair? During the Open Lab open workshop, you can come in with a project and make the transition from idea to object. These sessions offer access to the machines and enable you to work and produce all on your own.
Initiation au logiciel Freecad, conception 3D et impressions
Have a project to implement? An idea to develop? Something to repair? During the Open Lab open workshop, you can come in with a project and make the transition from idea to object. These sessions offer access to the machines and enable you to work and produce all on your own.
Have a project to implement? An idea to develop? Something to repair? During the Open Lab open workshop, you can come in with a project and make the transition from idea to object. These sessions offer access to the machines and enable you to work and produce all on your own.
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1000 Brussels
Metro 1 & 5 - Tram - Bus 38, N08 & N09: Central Station
Train: Brussels Central