Discover Arduino and its programming environment (IDE in English, EDI in French).

Arduino and its programming environment (EDI in French and IDE in English). An Arduino board is a small electronic board equipped with a microcontroller: a new, simple way of designing complex electronic systems.

The microcontroller allows you to program and control components (LEDs, servo motors, potentiometers,etc.) based on events detected by sensors.

Exemples include controlling household appliances (microwaves, oven, coffee maker,etc.) or giving “intelligence” to a robot (mine detector, large area cleaner,…).

During this introductory electronics workshop, create your first simple circuits and control them by programming the Arduino microcontroller.

This workshop will teach you to:

  • understand electronic assembly
  • learn the basics of Arduino programming
  • Equip yourself to delve deeper into the available resource librairies

There are no necessary prerequisites.


February 12
(2:00 pm - 5:00 pm)


FabLab Orange Solidaire
Be Central, Cantersteen 12,
1000 Bruxelles


Completing this workshop will enable you to use our small electronic equipment during Open Labs!
No prerequisites are necessary.
We have equipment available for you to use, but we strongly advise you to bring your own computer for greater comfort.

Personal informations


Orange Digital Center

Are you interested?
Come and meet us!


Au campus digital de Be central.

10 Cantersteen
1000 Brussels

Metro 1 & 5 - Tram - Bus 38, N08 & N09: Central Station
Train: Brussels Central