CNC & Fusion
Discover the potential of the CNC!
Join us for training on its use and unlock new creative possibilities.
The CNC machine enables you to:
- Create objects with a high degree of finishing
- Craft furniture
- Develop mechanical components
- Design signage
The possibilities are truly countless!

This workshop
This workshop will teach you to:
- Set up your cut in Fusion (Autodesk)
- Choose the best tools for simple cuts
- Use the machine safely and optimally
- Launch your first cut!

Your abilities
The follow-up of this workshop will allow you to use this machine during the Open Lab! Attention, this training focuses on the machining part of the software; the drawing part will only be overflown. No prerequisites are required. We have hardware available for you but it is strongly advised to come with your own computer (with the software Fusion downloaded beforehand) and a mouse for more comfort.
Register here !