Internet of Things

At our FabLab, we offer initiation workshops designed to help you understand and learn how to use electronics and the IoT.

In these workshops, you can learn about:

  • Electronic editing
  • Programming basics
  • How to use IoT platforms
See our trainings
Illustrative picture : young women coding on a computer
Illustrative picture, someone moving around an arduino card
What is it?

Internet of Things

The IoT (Internet of Things) describes interconnected physical and virtual devices.

It mainly covers:

  • Objects fitted with sensors
  • The connection between the object and a platform
  • The platform that allows analysis, programming of reactions, or display of information

For example, consider:

  • A connected watch that measures your heart rate and informs a health app on your smartphone to alert you about unexplained increases in heart rate.
  • A car detector in a parking lot that notifies you of available spaces.


Job Examples

Explore Exciting Career Opportunities in IoT:

  • IoT Java Developer
  • IoT Project Manager
  • IoT Validation Test Engineer