Discover the laser cutter (and Inkscape)

Come and discover the potential of the laser cutter and learn how to use it!

This easy-to-use machine will give you fast access to the FabLab and the world of digital production. The presentation of the free, open-source vectorial software Inkscape will give you the first tools for drawing your creations.

This workshop will teach you to:

  • understand Inkscape
  • record your drawing in the proper format for the machine´s software
  • configure your drawing for cutting in the dedicated software
  • use the machine safely and optimally
  • launch your first cut!

Taking this workshop will enable you to use this machine during Open Labs!


March 5
(2:00 pm - 5:00 pm)


FabLab Orange
Campus de BeCentral
Cantersteen 12, 1000 Brussels


Le suivi de cet atelier vous permettra de pouvoir utiliser cette machine lors des Open Lab !
Aucun prérequis n’est nécessaire.
Nous avons à disposition du matériel pour vous mais il est vivement conseillé de venir avec son propre ordinateur (avec le logiciel Inkscape- gratuit et Open source), pour plus de confort.

Personal informations


Orange Digital Center

Are you interested?
Come and meet us!


Au campus digital de Be central.

10 Cantersteen
1000 Brussels

Metro 1 & 5 - Tram - Bus 38, N08 & N09: Central Station
Train: Brussels Central