A practical, Fun and engaging full-day workshop. The ideal KICKstart to further progress and advance in personal projects by your own. Learn to understand and build a humidity sensor alongside the incredibly talented Adelaide and Laetitia de GREENZY.

A golden opportunity to meet this start-up with an impressive track record, handle their connected compost and spend a rich day at the Fablab.

Objectives: (to be defined)


Workflow :

09.15-09.45 : welcome coffee INTO the parcmachine
09.45-13.00 : workshop
13.00-14.00 : lunchtime
14.00-14h30 : Fablab tour
14.30-17.15 : workshop
17.15-17.30 : closure

Workshop offered thanks to Hub.Brussels, as part of Women in Business
A golden opportunity to meet this start-up with an impressive track record, handle their connected compost and spend a rich day at the Fablab.

by: Cécile Deprez, researcher at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) & Public speaker and advocate for women, and LGBTQUIA+ in STEM

🚀WHAT: A masterclass is a teaching session conducted by an expert in a specific field to help participants improve their skills and knowledge.

🦾For whom : Masterclass organized as part of the Women Digital Festival, organized by Women in Business, the platform for female entrepreneurship in Brussels by We strongly encourage women entrepreneurs or those curious about tech to sign up for this unique training of two days.

WHY: These two days will be held at the Solidarity Fablab of the Orange Digital Center located in the BeCentral Digital Campus at the heart of Brussels. This opportunity aims at facilitating the access to computer-controlled machines and other technological tools and promote their use in a stimulating ecosystem.

This two-day training enables participants to explore the advanced scientific field of aerospace, as well as the principles of satellite positioning and radio wave communication through practical and accessible tools such as Arduino, Microbit and Fablab equipment.

🧠🖐Objective : The objective is to enable participants to understand and experience these complex concepts through practical and interactive activities (“learning by doing”).

🤖Remarks : Throughout the workshop, participants will be accompanied by experts in aerospace, electronics, and telecommunications to guide them in their experiments, answer their questions, and help them make the most of the tools and concepts covered. The workshop aims to provide a hands-on and immersive experience, allowing participants to develop their skills in aerospace, satellite positioning, and radio wave communication, while fostering creativity and exploration.

don’t miss the chance to be part of this space-tacular masterclass



This event is part of the Women Digital Festivalorganized by Women in Business, the plateform for female entrepreneurship in Brussels by hub.Brussels. Boost your digital skills and your business in four thematic and free morning sessions every Friday from October 6th to October 27th.

*Little extra -> free breakfast and lunch*

An event tailored made for space enthusiasts and techies!

We’re thrilled to present “Spacetalk: Satellites and Data” brought to you by The Future of Tech is Female, Women in Business (hub.Brussels) and our dear Becentral , featuring Cécile Deprez, a total rockstar in satellite positioning at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and an advocate for Women and LGBTQIA+ in STEM. 🛰️🏳️‍🌈

We are going to talk about : Think Satellites, GPS, Weather forecasts, Data volumes, Researchs, Technologies and more !

Cécile will also tap into the challenges she faces in the data collection game and how companies work to empower the next generation in STEM.


Join us for a stellar event where we’ll talk satellites, tech and dive into diversity!

Don’t miss the chance to be part of this space-tacular moment with Cécile Deprez !


Space talk is coorganised with the Fabulous team of Becentral

👀 Cet événement s’inscrit dans le cadre du Women Digital Festival, organisé par Women in Business, la plateforme de l’entrepreneuriat féminin à Bruxelles de Boostez vos compétences digitales, et votre business, en quatre matinées thématiques et gratuites tous les vendredis du 6 au 27 octobre.